イントラリンクスのバーチャルデータルーム(VDR)は、債券発行におけるユーザーニーズに応じた管理機能や柔軟性を提供します。 シンプルで直感的なプラットフォームにより、時間的制約のある機密文書をより迅速、簡単、そしてセキュアに交換します。
9 out of the top 10
$10+ billion
Artemis & Intralinks data 2018

US$925 million
CEA California Earthquake Authority
California Earthquake Authority, one of the largest providers of residential earthquake insurance in the world, used Intralinks for its Ursa Re Ltd. (Series 2017 – 1) US$925m cat bond for earthquake insurance. Swiss Re Capital Markets was sole structuring agent and bookrunner. Aon Securities was joint bookrunner.

US$950 million
Everest Re, a Bermuda-based reinsurance company, used Intralinks for its Kilimanjaro II Re Ltd. (Series 2017 – 1) US$950m cat bond for North American named storm and earthquake risk. Aon Securities was sole structuring agent and bookrunner.

US$525 million
XL Bermuda Ltd., a Bermuda-based reinsurance company, used Intralinks for its Galilei Re Ltd. (Series 2017 – 1) US$525m cat bond for natural disasters. GC Securities was sole structuring agent and bookrunner. Aon Securities is joint bookrunner.