M&A-Experten: Erfolgreiche Deal-Integration – auf Englisch
2 . Juni 2015Sehen Sie, wie Ben Collins von Intralinks zusammen mit führenden M&A-Experten dieses und weitere kritische Themen bespricht, die sich bei der Optimierung von M&A-Strategien für 2013 ergeben.
When it comes to the crucial process of post-deal integration, this translates into a need for thoughtful planning, strong leadership and rigorous execution.
At the same time, some of the most significant integrations now under way require innovative approaches that reflect learning from past mistakes. What are the biggest challenges dealmakers face as they work to mesh organizations, realize synergies, and deliver on the promise of the deal?
Watch as Intralinks' Ben Collins, with the help of leading corporate dealmakers and M&A advisers, address these and other critical questions facing strategic dealmakers as they fine-tune their strategies for 2013.