Secure Documents with Intralinks Virtual Data Room Solutions
Secure sensitive information with a virtual data room.
A virtual data room is a digital version of a physical data room, and offers a secure way to share sensitive documents with partners, vendors and potential buyers or sellers.
Traditionally, virtual data rooms have been used for legal transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions, but they have become a popular means of securing enterprise collaboration. Many companies use virtual data rooms in place of less secure third-party file sharing services, or as long-term information repositories that provide controlled file access during audits, fundraising rounds and other transactions.
When evaluating a solution provided by a virtual data room company, you need to be sure it’s easy to use and extremely secure. That’s why, when it comes to choosing a virtual data room and business collaboration platform, companies put their trust in Intralinks.
Schedule a demo now to see how Intralinks can help you secure enterprise collaboration.

Protect your data with a virtual data room from Intralinks.
Intralinks® Virtual Data Room Edition facilitates more than 6000 high-stakes transactions each year, from M&A due diligence to fundraising and partnership negotiation. Intralinks makes it easy to share sensitive information with anyone, anytime and anywhere. With a dynamic and feature-rich workspace, Intralinks helps you streamline workflows, optimize deal value and meet compliance and security demands.
A virtual data room from Intralinks offers:
- Superior document security: Protect all Microsoft Office and PDF files without plug-ins.
- Easy organization: Collect all pre-deal paperwork in one place to make the most of due diligence.
- Mobile access: Use apps to manage sell-side aspects of transactions from any device.
- Artificial intelligence: Conduct due diligence faster and more completely with AI and machine learning features.
- Self-launch data rooms: Quickly and easily stage a digital data room prior to launch.
- Greater efficiency: Transition easily to post-merger integration without migrating documents.
Key features of Intralinks Virtual Data Room Edition.
- Web and mobile interfaces
- A configuration tool that facilitates bulk uploads from the desktop
- Flexible permission management with 16 user roles
- A deal management Q&A workflow for deals that involve multiple parties
- Pre-configured solutions including content templates, permission management models and folder structures for the most common types of deals
- 24/7 multilingual user support with direct business process support for internal and external users
- Dedicated customer service managers that help establish best practices and support fast startup
Schedule a demo of Intralinks Virtual Data Room Edition.

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