Intralinks: Secure Virtual Data Room Services
Speed and security: Choosing a virtual data room company.
There’s a lot on the line when you’re choosing a virtual data room company. Your online deal room is the center of a tremendous amount of activity as you negotiate, close and implement deals. From due diligence for M&A to post merger integration, you need a virtual data room company that can help you streamline collaboration, protect sensitive materials, meet compliance requirements and optimize the value of every deal.
Intralinks can help. As a leading virtual data room company, Intralinks has a proven track record and is trusted by tens of thousands of companies worldwide. With Intralinks, you get deal room software that can be implemented quickly and the most trusted deal space in the industry.
Schedule a demo to see Intralinks© virtual data room solutions.

Intralinks: the world’s leading virtual data room company.
As a virtual data room company, Intralinks facilitates more than 6,000 high-stakes transactions each year. More than 3 million registered users around the globe trust Intralinks® Virtual Data Room Edition with their most valuable and sensitive information. Throughout its 20 years in business, Intralinks has been committed to the highest levels of data security, providing clients with the means to collaborate safely, confidently and productively, from anywhere, on any device.
Intralinks delivers all the tools you need when choosing a virtual data room company. Features include:
- Flexible workspaces that simplify document sharing across organizational and geographical boundaries
- Web and mobile access to documents from any location on any device
- A desktop bulk upload and configuration tool to help speed set up and transfer of documents
- 16 user roles with dynamic permission management for files, folders, users and workspaces
- Question-and-answer workflows that make it easier to manage deals with multiple stakeholders
- Preconfigured solutions for specific deal types, including folder structures, content templates and permission management models
- 24/7 multilingual support, including direct business process support, available for internal and external users
- Dedicated customer service managers to help you implement best practices and a ensure rapid project start
Benefits of choosing Intralinks as your virtual data room company.
When you make Intralinks your virtual data room company, you can count on:
- Superior security: Automatic file-level encryption protects documents without plugins, including all Microsoft Office® and PDF files.
- Greater efficiency: Organize documents easily; automatically index and re-index as files are added, changed and deleted; and transition to post-merger integration without migrating documents.
- Easier access: Give users access via desktop applications, web browsers and mobile apps.
- Faster processes: Get started faster with self-launch data rooms, and accelerate due diligence with artificial intelligence and machine learning features.
Learn more about the advantages of choosing Intralinks as your virtual data room company, and check out our deal pipeline management solutions.

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