Trusted Data Room Vendor: Intralinks
Virtual data room vendors have transformed dealmaking.
Virtual data room vendors are revolutionizing the M&A industry. By providing an online data room to replace the physical deal room, virtual data room vendors are helping companies streamline due diligence processes and save money on the costs of travel and document management.
The key to choosing among the various virtual data room vendors is to find a solution that combines security, simplicity and control. Unless your virtual data room (VDR) is easy to use, you won’t be able to maximize adoption or realize all the savings a virtual solution has to offer. Keeping tight control over documents is critical as well, since the materials shared in a digital data room often contain a company’s most highly sensitive information. Finally, security is paramount. VDR vendors must ensure that documents are protected from hacks, leaks and data corruption.
As one of the world’s leading VDR vendors, Intralinks can help. Our secure collaboration and file sharing solutions have been chosen by companies and tens of thousands of businesses around the globe.
Schedule a demo to see how Intralinks compares to other VDR vendors.

Intralinks: The most trusted of all virtual data room vendors.
Intralinks’ secure enterprise platform provides powerful solutions that enable companies to share, manage and collaborate securely and without fear.
Intralinks® Virtual Data Room Edition is the industry’s most trusted deal space, and facilitates more than 6,000 transactions each year. As a SaaS-based solution, our platform can be implemented quickly and without capital expenditure. Easy-to-use features and tools promote rapid adoption, and highly configurable workspaces with mobile access enable users to collaborate with anyone, anywhere and anytime. File-level encryption, combined with granular user access controls, ensures that documents remain safe and protected from unauthorized viewing. Intralinks even provides the ability to revoke access to documents that have been downloaded to a user’s personal device.
Comparing Intralinks to other virtual data room vendors.
Intralinks offers many advantages over other VDR vendors, including:
- Greater security: Throughout its 20 years in business, Intralinks has been committed to the highest levels of data security, providing clients with the means to collaborate safely, confidently and productively, from anywhere, on any device.
- Higher usage: With more than 3.1 million registered users, Intralinks is the most widely-used VDR vendors in the world, enabling you to grow your network faster.
- Faster processes: Intralinks delivers artificial intelligence and machine learning features that let you conduct M&A due diligence much faster than traditional solutions.
Learn more about how Intralinks outperforms the other VDR vendors, and about our solutions for post merger integration and deal pipeline management.

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