Seamless Integration with Intralinks APIs
Level up your content sharing capabilities with our library of APIs.
Intralinks RESTful Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provide access, control and integration with Intralinks core platform services. Whether you’re leading an in-house development project or integrating with a third-party technology, we provide the tools you need:
- Take advantage of our easy-to-use Swagger framework for publishing APIs
- Keep documentation up-to-date and available through developer support channels
- Get better app lifecycle support with your API key and move from our test environment to production
- Use our interactive playground to give APIs a test run without writing a single line of code
Find out how Intralinks' APIs can make the right connections for your content.


Build, connect and communicate with Intralinks APIs.
The Intralinks developer program grants access to documentation, developer code samples, best practices and other valuable resources, while our APIs provide broad functionality and a comprehensive map to manage and control content, users, sessions and system administration.
Industry leading organizations use Intralinks APIs for:
- Authentication
- Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) for workspace, folder and file
- User/group permissions
- Workflow
- Alerts and events
- Metadata/custom fields
- User provisioning
- Document/group access reports

Join our fast-growing community of partners and clients using our APIs.

Want to learn how we can benefit you?